Rust Async FSM

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This article assumes you are familiar with Rust and async programming using futures; if you landed here I imagine you know what a state machine is – so we won't discuss the benefits or use cases for state machines. The article outlines a FSM with flexible runtime requirements and is concerned with how to implement the design pattern using Rust.

See this repository for the source code that accompanies this article; if you want to dive straight in see


I recently needed to model a Finite State Machine (FSM) in Rust so took a look around at how other people were writing the state machine pattern and came across hoverbear's article which was useful as I also thought that enum would be the right type to model a state machine but quickly realized it was not a good fit – at least not on it's own!

The approach in hoverbear's article implementing From is elegant and gives good compile-time guarantees on which states may transition to other states but was not suitable for my requirements. I needed a more flexible implementation that could operate easily on sub sets of a list of states, skip states based on conditions and it needed to be async and use idiomatic error handling using the Result type and the ? operator.

To support Result we could use TryFrom instead of From but we still need to support async and the ability to conditionally transition so I developed a solution that implements Iterator to yield a transition from a state.


The approach I took involves these components:

Define the states

The State enum defines available states but does not encapsulate any data or indicate how states can transition:

#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum State {

Define the transition trait

The Transition trait is much more interesting as it defines how a state should move into another state:

/// Asynchronous fallible transition from a state
/// to the next state.
pub trait Transition {
    async fn next(
        request: &Request,
        response: &mut Response,
    ) -> Result<Option<State>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

When the state machine iterates it will yield a transition for each state and the caller then calls the transition which does the work before advancing to the next state which is determined by the return value of next(). When next() yields None the state machine should stop iterating. Note the use of the async-trait attribute macro!

Conceptually, the Request type is a configuration object that can be used by states to determine how to transition, for example, if you need to skip some states under certain conditions. Whilst the Response type encapsulates data that can be passed to future states.

For the purposes of this example they are simple structs:

/// Mock configuration for the state machine.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Request {
    pub some_config: bool,

/// Mock response object that can capture intermediary state
/// to be passed to future transitions.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Response {
    pub some_data: usize,

The state machine itself is an Iterator implementation that yields a transition for a given state:

pub struct StateMachine<'a> {
    states: &'a [State],
    index: usize,

impl<'a> StateMachine<'a> {
    pub fn new(states: &'a [State]) -> Self {
        Self { states, index: 0 }

    /// Advance the index to the next state
    /// returned by a transition function.
    fn advance(&mut self, state: State) {
        let index = self.states.iter().position(|r| r == &state);
        if let Some(index) = index {
            self.index = index;
        } else {
            // Nowhere to go so prevent any more iteration.

    /// Stop iteration by moving the state index out of bounds.
    fn stop(&mut self) {
        self.index = self.states.len()

/// Iterator yields a transition for a state.
impl<'a> Iterator for StateMachine<'a> {
    type Item = (State, Box<dyn Transition>);
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(state) = self.states.get(self.index) {
            let transition: Box<dyn Transition> = match state {
                State::State1 => Box::new(State1 {}),
                State::State2 => Box::new(State2 {}),
                State::State3 => Box::new(State3 {}),
            Some((state.clone(), transition))
        } else {

The state machine Iterator implementation is a straightforward mapping between a State and a Transition, we'll look at the advance() and stop() functions later when we come to iterate the state machine first let's implement a state transition:

struct State1;

impl Transition for State1 {
    async fn next(
        request: &Request,
        response: &mut Response,
    ) -> Result<Option<State>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        if request.some_config {
            // Do something based on the request state
            // and advance past the next state
        } else {
            // Set some data on the response object that
            // can be used by a subsequent state
            response.some_data = 10;

Or a transition can just move on to the next state:

struct State2;

impl Transition for State2 {
    async fn next(
        _request: &Request,
        response: &mut Response,
    ) -> Result<Option<State>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        debug!("State 2 got data {}", response.some_data);

If there are no more states to process then the transition can return None:

struct State3;

impl Transition for State3 {
    async fn next(
        _request: &Request,
        _response: &mut Response,
    ) -> Result<Option<State>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

Once the various components are defined we can iterate the state machine like this:

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {

    let states = &[State::State1, State::State2, State::State3];

    let req: Request = Default::default();

    // Using this request will skip the second state
    //let req = Request { some_config: true };

    let mut res: Response = Default::default();
    let mut machine = StateMachine::new(states);
    while let Some((state, transition)) = {
        debug!("Current state {:?}", state);
        let next_state =, &mut res).await?;
        if let Some(state) = next_state {
            debug!("Advance state {:?}", state);
        } else {
            debug!("State machine completed");


When a transition yields the next state we call advance() on the state machine so the iterator can jump to the index for the next state. It is important that the state exists in the list of states passed to the state machine otherwise stop() would be called which would halt execution.

If any of the transitions return an Error then iteration is immediately halted and the error is propagated to the caller.

If you spot a mistake or want to suggest an improvement get in touch and let me know.

By Muji on Sat Feb 13 2021